It's a struggle, man! But I'll get there!

Yes, sometimes I still struggle to get things right. But a new beginning requires patience and perseverance, you know! Even I've worked that out. I'm free now of course, so it's all up to me. I know that. No more excuses. No more procrastination. Just make the decision and go for it. Follow your instincts, man. Just follow your instincts. That's my new favourite saying, by the way. And it's working! Yeah. The new life is going well. Real well. Help is still coming my way. From several people and I am gradually learning to trust as well. Real progress is happening now. And I am very happy in my new life. That I could never imagine having. Not in a million years! But I've got it and I'm not going backwards to the old ways. There are such good people in the world, you know. I'm sure about that now!

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